• 07400061772

  • Whitehawk Way, Brighton. East Sussex

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The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – UNCRC – is an international treaty that sets out universal rights for all children.

Children’s right to play

The convention takes into account children’s developmental needs and their needs as a citizen whether or not they are able to vote. The Convention is a comprehensive benchmark against which a country’s treatment of children can be measured. The UK and almost all countries have signed up to the convention apart from two: Somalia and the USA.

Article 31: the right to play

Article 31 states that countries must “recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.” General Comment 17 further clarifies that governments are expected to ‘respect, protect and fulfil’ this right. 

So children and young people really do have a human right to have fun in the way they want to, whether by playing sports, watching films or playing in the street. 

This is why Park Life Brighton and our collaborative partners ensure children and young people on the Whitehawk, Manor Farm and Bristol Estates are consulted and play an active role in ensuring these rights are respected and understood. 

family enjoying a park life brighton event
store cupboard with toys
park life brighton play sessions north whitehawk