• 07400061772

  • Whitehawk Way, Brighton. East Sussex

Latest News

Top Park Playground Refurbishment Whitehawk Way

Dear Residents of Whitehawk,

We appreciate your patience as we work on the refurbishment of the Top Park playground. We are pleased to report that progress is being made, and the Top Park project is moving along nicely. The flooring and preparatory work are in their final stages and will be completed over the next few weeks.

Middle Park Project - Complaint to Ebie Play Builder / Supplier

However, we would like to provide you with an update regarding the Middle Park project, which has been a source of frustration for us. From the beginning, this project felt rushed, and once the provider was on-site, we believe a rushed approach resulted in several issues. Firstly, there are concerns about the poor quality of equipment that has been installed, which is breaking easily and has led to injuries and ripped clothing for some residents.

Additionally, there have been significant issues with the so-called safety flooring that was supplied. It is important to clarify that this flooring is not suitable for its intended purpose. Due to issues like dyes rubbing off and poor installation, compounded by the choice of materials, Park Life Brighton feels that we have exhausted all avenues with the council, who have indicated they lack the funds to rectify or replace these issues.

Therefore, on behalf of the community, Park Life Brighton has formally submitted a complaint to the contract winners, Ebies Play, regarding these concerns. We encourage any residents who have experienced problems with the rubber flooring at the Middle Park or have evidence of damages and stains to please send this information to us.

Legal Action on behalf of the community "claimants"

We have requested a meeting with Ebies Play to discuss these issues, but we are also considering legal action if a satisfactory resolution is not reached. One positive aspect of the new contractor for the Top Park project is their expertise in laying high-quality safety flooring, something the other contractor should learn from.

Thank you,

Park Life Brighton