• 07400061772

  • Whitehawk Way, Brighton. East Sussex

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Whitehawk Research: Crime and Economy Data

young skateboarders

Our Audience & Community Demographics

Whitehawk Research Contents:

1- Children and Young people and Education Data Report & Population Data Report

2- Deprivation Data Report & Health Report

3- Crime & Economy Report

4- Housing Report & Other Important Information

Whitehawk Skatepark Research Project:

crime statistics for the whitehawk area
whitehawk research project economically active at a glance

Crime and economy data at a glance....

In general the crime rates for Whitehawk continue to be higher than the England Average as seen in Figure 1 & 2 below.

The Areas of Crime Most Affecting the Whitehawk Community are:

 1- Violent and Sexual Offences: 284 Incidents or 60.8 per 1000 people. Compared to the England average which is 35 cases per 1000 people. 

 2- Anti Social Behaviour: 128 incidents or 27 cases per 1000 people. Compared to the England Average which is 20 cases per 1000 people. 

 3- Public Order Offences: 87 cases or 19 cases per 1000 people. The England Average for Public Order Offenses is 8.7 per 1000 people. 

 4- Criminal Damage & Arson: 54 cases or 11.6 per 1000 people. The England Average for Criminal Damage and Arson Cases is 8.1 per 1000 people. 

– The total number of people in Whitehawk Economically Active is 58%.

– Males are more economically active than females. With 64% of males economically Active compared to 52% for Females. 

– This leaves 42% of the population are economically inactive. See Figure 4.

– Most people (24%) work full time compared to the England Average which is 38%.

The most recent stats show claimant rates since the pandemic have been reducing. As on April 2022 we have a claimant percentage of 9% in Whitehawk, Compared to the England Average of 4%.

Males claim more at 10.4% compared to females of which 7.7% claim. 

Crime & economy data

What does the data tell us...

In terms of crime we are seeing more and events linked to anti social behaviour and violent crime. These are often linked to social issues locally, we have little for the local population to do. Especially for the over 25 age range. 

Large concentration of youth in the area with little to do.

The education stats (no qualifications) and the claimant counts / economically inactive stats match up. 


A Vision For Change

We believe in community activity and the benefits of bringing the local community together, more community events and increasing the access to our existing community assets would allow the community to socialise more and improve social interaction and opportunities to gain qualifications etc. 

Gaining access to justice is also something many families are struggling with. We are encouraged to come forward with information on crimes, current and historic, yet the actual prosecution rates are low. Particularly for Sexual related crimes.  

No Crime Prevention Meetings and when we did have them, hardly anyone attended. We need to review and look at how we can best reduce crime, and ensure justice for those who are victims of crime.

We believe activity led youth work in and around new facilities will reduce crime. There could be specific projects for those attending probation services. 

A few solutions to tackle these issues...

Let us know what you would like to see in our community and what you think about these statistics?